Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Do You Need For A Buffet?

Promed.Watch News 6/29/2010: Everything is good! EsoWatch.com is worked legally.

Since 21 March 2010 published Promed.Watch now have information on the portal EsoWatch.com with the aim to determine the identity of a variety of rights violations and confront those responsible for these persons with the legal consequences of his actions.

A small team has invested to this end in recent months, a lot of time and was able to gradually won initial success. For example, the identity and responsibility of Klaus Ramstöck and Anja Ramstöck be determined and documented.

at 29 June 2010 yet
What was missing was the big breakthrough, in order to derive from the existing knowledge and legal consequences. This breakthrough has been achieved today ... Promed.Watch for investigation and may for tactical reasons at the moment, no further information to disclose. Both EsoWatch.com-injured and members of the EsoWatch.com core team may, however, the date of 29 June 2010 notification.

was launched on this day the last and final phase of the project EsoWatch.com. Promed.Watch will seek to the background to be published as soon as possible once the legal work-up "is in the bag."

Everything is good!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bluetooth Adapters For Zunes

e-mail contact to Promed.Watch

Promed.Watch provides its readers with immediate effect a new "Service":

you are the subject of critical comments in this blog and criticized the manner of representation, because it is demonstrably false, or abusive criticism of you as perceived to be? If these conditions are met, if I may please inbox.lv by e-mail to Rajiv.Singh @ know. Rightly criticized, will be deleted without further ado or corrected. Unjustly criticized contents are not deleted, however.

See Profile Promed.Watch

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Best Hookup Spots Columbus

Promed.Watch News 06.23.2010: Anja Ramstöck, EsoWatch.com and the skeptic club GWUP eV

In yesterday's Promed.Watch News ( EsoWatch.com enthült Nazi contacts of the Dalai Lama ;-)) it was a very exciting topic. Are there connections between EsoWatch . com and the skeptic club Society for the Scientific Investigation of Para Science (GWUP) ?

Wiki-author Deceptor and GWUP Group Berlin
Reminder: Wiki-author Deceptor (which has the fifth-scale August 29, 2007 EsoWatch.com Wiki account ) is almost certainly beyond reasonable doubt of the skeptic-scene in Berlin (Self-disclosure in EsoWatch Forum) and is likely to be found, if one scans through activities and activists of the group in Berlin GWUP carefully. Deceptor engaged the EsoWatch article about the medical Atlas by Herbert Koerner, who in the view of Promed.Watch of GWUP member Prof. Matin Lambeck (and not Deceptor ) was written. This suggests the possibility that Deceptor Prof. Martin Lambeck knows personally, and probably to be found even within the GWUP Group Berlin is. The decoding of the account Deceptor is now a solvable task ... and perhaps Deceptor for this reason no time for EsoWatch .

Anja and Klaus Ramstöck are likely GWUP members
EsoWatch.com Editor Klaus Ramstöck alias Thomas_x has (as mentioned) outed at this point as recipients of the mailing list GWUP . Promed.Watch assumes that the GWUP mailing list sent only to members of the association is GWUP. A reader of this blog has today delivered yet another indication that Klaus and his wife Ramstöck Anja Ramstöck GWUP are most likely members.

In document 11 / 1 on Anja Ramstöck Promed.Watch has documented how in the former Anja Ramstöck Internet Forum left by Antivegan.de under the pseudonym Anna Lena (probably a few thousand) has contributions that have contributed significantly to the elucidation of the EsoWatch.com-authorship. The forum was then taken away for disposal track from the network (see No. 1, No. 2 ) and is now on a subdomain of esowatch.com - under the control of Klaus Ramstöck - hosted: http:// antivegan.esowatch.com / .

Antivegan The old forum had the domain antivegan.de / forum . Here were the telltale signs of Anja Ramstöck. The new forum has Antivegan The domain antivegan.esowatch.com and was free from any telltale traces.

An Internet search can be in the moment, however, still tease out entries from the old (treacherous) antivegan.de / forum from Google. Including a review of word Anja Ramstöck alias Anna Lena who speaks for a GWUP-Mitglieschaft of Klaus and Anja Ramstöck . - The following Google searches work at the moment - but probably very soon (because the forum is no longer exist) disappear from the Google index:

Google Search "Anna Lena, 25, honest housewife on Tue 19th May 2009, 17:55. Are people here who GWUP Annual Conference "
Google Search " Are people here who are twice pöööhse eat, which are meat and against Perhaps even, in GWUP Member?
Google Search "If that should be so, we (hubby and myself) are from Thursday to Saturday at the annual meeting GWUP." (hubby = Ramstöck Klaus, Anja Ramstöck myself =)

submitted screenshots and the. . Google results (as of 06/23/2010) The images can be enlarged by clicking:

Anja Ramstöck alias Anna Lena reported on 19 May 2009 in the old Antivegan.de forum that she and her husband Klaus Ramstöck the 19th wanted to visit GWUP Conference , from 21 to 23 May in the Ethnographic Museum was held in Hamburg. This conference also attended Florian Freistetter , Member of the Group at large GWUP ScienceBlogs.de, part of the sympathizers and supporters of EsoWatch.com circuit. Here we find GWUP Board Ulrich Berger , the link from his blog CRITICAL THINKING (ScienceBlogs.de) out of the way to EsoBlog of EsoWatch.com. In the opinion of Promed.Watch Ulrich Berger is working actively with Klaus Ramstöck.
It is probably close to reality, if one calls EsoWatch.com as a project by a large-GWUP nearby. In the opinion of Promed.Watch is the membership base of the association GWUP eV, a central source to wiki authors, "informers" or to recruit informers.
For more information:
cyber crime: EsoWatch and the Society for the Scientific Investigation of Para Sciences (GWUP) eV (document No. 13)
EsoWatch.com: network to act out of personality disorders
The absolute super hit:
EsoWatch.com enthült Nazi contacts of the Dalai Lama ;-)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Long To Robaxin Stay In Your System

Promed.Watch News 06/22/2010: EsoWatch.com enthült Nazi contacts of the Dalai Lama ;-)

followed with great attention Promed.Watch from time to time, who studied this blog regularly and intensively.

Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
The interest of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has now abated significantly. Promed.Watch also currently investing any more time in new research. The key information on Klaus Ramstöck (EsoWatch created the wiki and dominated it, is the view of Promed.Watch therefore legally responsible for all media content EsoWatch) are available at last. And information about other key persons such as eg Wiki-author Deceptor (ie EsoWatch accounts that were created during the period June to October 2007 ) tend to dilute the responsibility of Klaus Ramstöck.

Deceptor: currently no further search
only so much on the edge: Wiki-author Deceptor (the fifth wiki account for Klaus Ramstöck alias WikiSysop and Thomas X) is almost certainly beyond reasonable doubt of the skeptic-scene in Berlin and is likely to be found, if one scans through activities and activists of the group in Berlin GWUP carefully. Deceptor engaged the EsoWatch article about the medical Atlas by Herbert Koerner, written from the perspective of Promed.Watch of GWUP member Prof. Matin Lambeck (and not Deceptor ). This suggests the possibility that Deceptor Prof. Martin Lambeck knows personally, and probably to be found even within the GWUP Group Berlin is. The decoding of the account Deceptor is therefore a solvable task ... (Well, maybe has Deceptor suddenly therefore also no time for EsoWatch .)

Since outed, Klaus Ramstöck alias Thomax_x as recipients of the mailing list GWUP added, there are strong indications to believe that two crucial EsoWatch.com key figures (Klaus Ramstöck and author Deceptor ) Member of the Society for the Scientific Investigation of Para Sciences (GWUP) eV are. This also explains why the association GWUP EsoWatch.com in 2009 has strongly promoted and why co GWUP Board Ulrich Berger closely with Klaus Ramstöck.

West German Broadcasting (WDR) in Cologne
Since 3 May 2010 has now Promed.Watch another regular regular reader (or a common reader) of Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) in Cologne . Whether this is for the private amusement of a trainee or an intern or a professional journalistic research, is seen. The analysis of web statistics shows that case studies for the WDR EsoWatch.com-crimes on a low interest encounter, all information about the pseudonym Thomas_x other hand, are studied with great interest. Let's see if it is something ...
- - - FLOWER STYLE - - -
by a reference in mirror blog Promed.Watch is met with two charming and very entertaining EsoWatch.com article:

EsoWatch the Dalai Lama:
Here is the link to the wiki entry Dalai Lama . And here is a EsoWatch unveiling, which should necessarily know the world:

"The Dalai Lama maintains regular contact with old and new Nazis and terrorist sect founder, ..."

Sounds a little like the EsoWatch article about MP Biggi Bender of Alliance 90/The Greens . The Nazi contacts of the Dalai Lama must be so intense that has wiki-author 0815 (nomen est omen) saved documents and sources for his claim the same. .
EsoWatch of Wolfgang Wodarg (SPD).
Here is the link to the wiki entry of Wolfgang Wodarg following EsoWatch also unveiling the world should know absolutely:

"The tendency to exceptional Interviewees following to Wodarg also left early in 2010 by Manfred Petritsch in terms of "swine flu" - interview vaccines [8]. Petrisch is the operator of the Truth blog all smoke and mirrors. Petritsch and his blog actively support an absurd campaign against vaccination against swine flu of Impfgegnerin Mayor Jane, by the Social Media marketing company is carried "Evolution Production GmbH". Place to find or to critically review the allegations unsubstantiated by Mayor repeated that claim, the WHO (World Health Organisation) would try with a compulsory vaccination against swine flu, to establish a world government, taking the vaccine as "Biological weapon" used to trigger a pandemic, and to commit mass murder. Here, nano-chips were inoculated with the vaccine to control and manipulate the public. The same conspiracy theory inoculated to supposedly "Chips" is also claimed by healers Hamer and some of his followers. The exact date of the interview is unknown. Petritsch published the interview on 10 February 2010, a graphic (see right), however, the out on 09/01/2010. "

Listen to it between the lines? Wolfgang Wodarg is locked " - or not? For clarity: EsoWatch.com co-editor- Anja Ramstöck is one of the editors of the website Impffanatiker Impfinformationen.de (here a Background Info ). Both actively and in EsoWatch.com Impfinformationen.de the SPD politician province Sigrid Herrmann-Marshal . Fortunately, the article (as is often the case EsoWach records) is a link to the GWUP bloggers from ScienceBlogs.de contains. Keywords for the article was among others Tobias Maier Blog WeiterGen at ScienceBlogs.de . See also: GWUP.WATCH: ideology and propaganda at ScienceBlogs.de - This way, even the Wikipedia article on Wolfgang Wodarg , as a benchmark ... ;-)
For more information:
donkey watch over the club GWUP eV
EsoWatch.com: network to act out of personality disorders

Friday, June 18, 2010

Beginning Your Own Waxing Business

EsoWatch.com: network to act out of personality disorders

presented since 2007, the Internet portal Esowatch.com the public as an informative and consumer protection serving "Wiki the irrational belief systems." The Esowatch self representation conceals the information that can be committed by the anonymous Web page hosted in some serious crimes. The aim of this blog is to document rights violations and tear out the authors, administrators, and publishers of Esowatch from the protective anonymity. In the opinion of the majority of Promed.Watch is responsible for Esowatch.com persons associated with the clubs Promed eV and Impfinformationen.de .

causes and backgrounds:

ideology and / or personality disorders

What motivates people to denounce others under cover of anonymity and to brand public? What motivates such Ramstöck Klaus, Anja Ramstöck , Ralf Behrmann , Aribert Deckers , Sigrid Herrmann-Marshal , Prof. Ulrich Berger ( GWUP Board ) and even Prof. Martin Lambeck ( GWUP Rep ) or Marcus Anhäuser ( Blog placebo alarm at ScienceBlogs.de ) to actively EsoWatch.com a project rate to support that people with demonstrably false statements and hatred are so overwhelmed (see Case Jocelyne Lopez and Case Simone Küstermann ), which in many hundreds of cases ignored personality and copyrights (see document Fotoklau large-scale )?

Cause # 1: ideology, dogmatism, fanaticism
In document No. 11 / 4 by Dr. Anja Ramstöck Promed.Watch has already explained a major driving motive of EsoWatch network. Who is involved in EsoWatch.com, belonging to the so-called skeptics movement. Suction. skeptics ( No. 1, No. 2 , No. 3 and No. 4 ) consider themselves to be critical and rational people who want to educate the public about misconceptions . This is at least their self-perception . In reality it is, however, followers of a negative belief system , which often are exactly naive, gullible and irrational as they People fought with passion - just with opposite sign. Edgar Wunder has this in his article "The skeptics syndrome from the perspective of a sociologist with a rich personal experience (miracles is co-founder of the Skeptics Association GWUP eV) aptly described.

The willingness to violate limits (ethical, moral, legal) subject to large fluctuations in so-called skeptics. It is largely peaceful skeptics who live out their passions and their ideology, without being contrary to the law and ethical standards. And there is a large, fast circle militant skeptic, unfair, illegal and even criminal, Activities ( here is an example) take approvingly accepted, because the end justifies the means from their perspective.

dogmatism Very many skeptics in common is that they are largely unable to engage with perspectives that differ from their own perspective. This is precisely the characteristic of dogmatists . Dogmatists are characterized by an extremely rigid thinking. They are open to criticism and discourse largely incapable because they are not mentally able to engage to positions that differ from their own position. (Psychological considered this behavior is a strong indication for uncertain and anxious people, the open-ended debate is perceived as a great danger to themselves and their position.)

A fine example of strict dogmatism is the view of Promed.Watch the way as freelance journalist and blogger ( placebo alarm at ScienceBlogs.de ) Marcus Anhäuser with criticism of his SPIEGEL ONLINE has handled product placement for EsoWatch.com (see: GWUP.WATCH of Marcus Anhäuser ). Anhäuser sees only the positive in his view, the part of the project EsoWatch.com, leaving the possibility EsoWatch.com that has both positive and negative sides, mentally moving up too. His thinking is not focused on the thing and instead friend-foe identification . Friends (EsoWatch.com) must be protected unconditionally. Enemies (critics of EsoWatch.com) are fighting unconditionally. For a science journalist, this is an unusual mental attitude.

Cause # 2: personality disorders
as Promed.Watch Who has entered deeply into the analysis of EsoWatch.com poking especially within EsoWatch of the core team again and again to people for whom it is suspected that she injured in her life psychologically strong were. No man is hateful to the world. Anyone who, like many authors EsoWatch.com hateful towards completely foreign and unknown human behavior, the behavior is reasonably likely less a rational and more an emotional background.

Dr. Dunja Voos of personality disorders:
The doctor, psychoanalyst and medical journalist Dr. Dunja Voos has an important, here (within the EsoWatch core team) effective mechanism described in the following words:

"There are severe personality disorders that plague those affected, but to awaken in him a great power. The force is released to the outside. 's own inner need to act out by damaging others, is a frequent feature of personality disorders. Those who can not deal with itself or will that controls the external things, to keep his inner world intact. Children to see this psychic mechanism very well: children who are suffering from the aggression of the parents, others are aggressive. You set the scene, what they experience at home or with themselves what is happening. Once it is no longer able to control the outside, because the enemy died, the wife ran away or the work is finished, break the data subject together often.

foreign affairs is controlled
who own or admit to not want, because they're too afraid of fighting against this negative characteristics with other "
source. http://www .medizin-im-text.de/blog /? p = 5829

Whether a member of the core team EsoWatch cause No. 1 ( ideology, fanaticism, dogmatism ) and / or cause No. 2 ( personality disorder) or perhaps another reason the main subject of the commitment in favor of EsoWatch.com is, the questions can be answered only in individual cases . A hobby-psychological distance diagnosis is certainly not the right way.

Promed.Watch is in spite of this restriction be assumed that personality disorders a central component of the overall project are EsoWatchc.om. If this analysis is correct, then many members of the same core team EsoWatch perpetrators and victims . They are frustrated at the core, unhappy People who hate, malice, the public humiliation * third parties, etc., etc. require a valve to their unconscious self-hatred, pain to endure her feeling faint and her inner emptiness can.

* The practice has also shown that neutral reader to see through the character of the vast majority EsoWatch.com quickly and something of a public humiliation of people using the EsoWatch Wiki not in fact take place. It is a (power) illusion, to which both members of the EsoWatch community and some of the people here denounced believe. In reality, the emperor is naked ... or the real impact of EsoWatch.com very low.
Who EsoWatch as a real or alleged "victims" themselves emotionally involved is not exactly who can see the whole thing with a little more looseness and perhaps even with a small dose of humor . Hence the Promed.Watch contribution: "what to say" . The transition from tragedy to tragicomedy is flowing. Or Behind the facade of an ugly Perpetrator hides a man who must still set limits, which is simultaneous with dignity and respect (for man) helped sometimes more than with hatred.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Foretravel Motorhomes

cyber crime: Is Dr. med John Bühlig EsoWatch author?

commentator Zaubaer writes on 13 June 2010 :

us is still a EsoWatch known by name. Not only whether he has edited yet another article as the Peter Zimmermann. Dr. med John Bühlig , recently Dr., researches at the University of Leipzig. He admitted it in a StudiVZgruppe.


Seneca, crescents and Dominik


reply Promed.Watch:

first Contact the appropriate document ("He admitted it in a StudiVZgruppe") means Screenshot Promed.Watch secure and make available (eg as a blank comment with online link to the screenshot).

second Those who actively EsoWatch.com as wiki-author, is the not necessarily contrary to law. (Serious violations of the law the individual authors and publishers EsoWatch.com Klaus Ramstöck and Anja Ramstöck be proven.) Therefore the following question: Disowned the wiki authors Seneca, Crescent and Dominik behind which may Dr. med John Bühlig hides against the law (eg defamation , Slander, abuse of personal rights and / or copyright, for example, Fotoklau)? If so, please provide evidence. Thank you!

Without evidence and documents 1 to point and 2 to Dr. med John Bühlig first place as respectable citizens, to which nothing can be accused.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Team Zissou Shoes For Sale

is so comes the morning not good in the day

The following tips are actually doable for everyone and should be the best means equal to a daily ritual: first

In bed the body diagonal stretch and stretch. Diagonal means: make the left foot and opposite, so long right arm and vice versa.

second Especially in the heat can accumulate overnight, the lymph fluid. Legs and arms with gentle pressure toward the heart stress (if you like, you can also massage with a loofah or a massage brush). This encourages the Lymph flow to.

third Who needs his morning caffeine or theine, this should drink thereafter to take off. In this case, think of something positive as possible and a positive mood for the day.

4th For breakfast, fresh seasonal fruit with low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir. Sweet chocolate and refined sugar be avoided. The fructose contained in fruit provides a consistent energy level. For sugar, there is only a momentary thrill and once it subsides, the body requires a new dose. Fatty should also be avoided as it takes all morning life energy on digestion.

5th Whom to move is felt, may with the window open some early morning exercise, such as jumping rope or yoga operate. This brings the circulation going.

6th Get fresh air near windows, in the garden, breathe deeply on the balcony, swing arms and legs loose.

7th Off to the shower - cold showers and brush massages tingly the last latent energies awake.

8th A second breakfast provides many carbohydrates for long-term saturation. Bread, rolls, pancakes and oatmeal help to persevere until the lunch break.

9th After work on sport. We can, shake off stress and wonderful office problems and it is easy to sleep. If you have no time or inclination for sports activities should try meditation.

10th Evening not too late and too hard / much to eat, which takes away the sleep and can wake up the next morning as a whacked! Get tips and tricks for a lively start to the day

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Toothbrush And Waterpik Combination

first: Bach flowers as perfume

Bach flowers are now available as perfume in a 50 ml bottle : book: secret for the sleepy heads!

With the proven 5 flower essences (Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem), it supports the well being of nervousness, stress and restless sleep.
True rose oil, and other selected vegetable Extracts give this perfume a distinctively fine fragrance and create a pleasant sensation on the skin. Listen and feel how good you are doing.

ingredients: alcohol, mixing essential oils, spring water, Urtica dioica extract, Bach flower mixture (Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem), essential oil ingredients

Corner Bathroom Mirror

length of a meditation

ૐ If You have 3 minutes a day meditating, acts It's magnetic field, the circulation, and the composition of the blood. Absolute minimum.

ૐ If you meditate 11 minutes, it affects the nervous system and glands.

ૐ If you meditate 22 minutes, it brings the three Aspects of the mind (positive / negative / neutral) into balance.

ૐ If you meditate 31 minutes, which act glands, breathing and concentration on the level of cells and body rhythms.

ૐ If you meditate 62 minutes, it affects the gray matter of the neocortex in the brain. Your subconscious "shadow" is integrated.

ૐ 2.5 hours, the psychological changes in their interaction with the electromagnetic environment, so that the subconscious supported by the surrounding universal mind. (Yogi Bhajan)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Custom Built Motherboards

The garbage people - the conscious use of nature

by Manu Sarona

We live by the garbage people in a vast, stinking garbage dump.
We can hardly do a step without us to cut the feet from broken glass or dirty.

We live in the depths of the garbage mountain, and most suffer greatly.
But still no one dares to come out from the usual pile of rubbish.
deep inside feel everyone has the opportunity to leave the waste dump, and to live in a natural setting.
But the fear of nature, for the freedom, indeed the fear of our own possibilities can remain us in our own environment. It makes us the stench and the immobility, the dark and the bugs seem to be acceptable. And it is sinking every day another piece of its waste. With every day that one spends it, it is even harder to leave the garbage mountain. And so, each occupied with how to best sell the stench, as you can stand the slimy and muddy quagmire best and how the time of the gradual sinking still spend most comfortable.

These are totally unnecessary activities, as important is to find the way out the trash.
to learn how to move around in nature, as one lives when one is not restricted by dirt and stench.

And you, what do you do? Do you belong to the people who think that they change alone is not much you can and the garbage mountain is too big eh?

only an excuse, which stinks to high heaven, so as not to perceive your own stupidity. Anyone who has chosen to live in the deposits, because he feels it is well, quiet stifle it. But anyone who knows better has to take responsibility for themselves and to seek the way of nature.

It does not, unfortunately, if you constantly whining and sink into this insult the vast mountain of rubbish, but it does not leave for fear of taking action. And your opinion that there are others who let you out there not because they are so the rubbish mountain can be bigger and bigger, you will not help.

One puts the responsibility on the other and also has a scapegoat, but even they will not accept any responsibility.

The one it is directed so that the mountain of rubbish no longer believes to feel. He moves a little, and holding his nose and eyes, and he believes that to sink slowly in the waste.

others know that there is much in nature, would be much nicer. But even here there is a part that is only talking about how nice it would be in nature, how much he stinks here and how nice it would be to get out of the garbage. But that's about it. Otherwise, they live just like everyone else. Maybe it starts at one, the garbage to sort colors, making the most of it but he does not make their way to leave the garbage dump to create the better world.

There will never be a better world if everyone only dreams of. Only when everyone begins to live his dreams, these dreams will also meet at some point.

Manu Sarona
(Published in program of the Mushroom Open Air to 05/08/2000)

Difference Between Painful Gallbladder And Liver

lunch with God

It was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He was aware that the road to the place where God lived, a very long had. So he packed a backpack full of some Coke cans and several chocolate bars and went on the trip.
He ran for a while and came to a small park where he saw an old woman sitting on a bench the pigeon watching, who looked after her food on the floor.
The little boy sat down with the woman on the bench and opened his backpack. He wanted to get out just a Coke when he saw the hungry look of the old woman. So he took a candy bar and handed it to the woman. Thankfully, they took the candy
and smiled at him. And it was a wonderful smile! The little boy wanted to see that smile again and offered her a Coke.
And they took the Coke and smiled again - even more radiant than before. The little boy was saved.
The two sat all afternoon on the bench in the park, ate candy bars and drinking Coke - but spoke not a word.
As it grew dark, the boy could feel how tired he was and he decided to go back home. After a few steps he stopped and turned around. He went back to the woman and hugged her.
The old woman gave him for it her very best smile. At home, his mother
saw the joy on his face and asked, "What have you done today for beautiful, that you look so happy?" And
replied the little boy, "I have eaten lunch with God - and she has a wonderful smile!"
The old woman had gone home, where her son was waiting on them. He also asked her why she looked so happy.
And she replied: "I have eaten lunch with God - and he is much younger than I thought."

author unknown

How To Use Evening Primrose Oil To Soften Cervix

rest under the tree

Jesus once walked through a city. It was noon, the sun was hot and he was tired. So he set in a garden under a tree break. The house and garden were a prostitute. She saw Jesus sit there. Never before has such a man had made in her garden maintenance. She had seen many beautiful and powerful people, but such a man she had never seen before. This beauty was different, this harmony was not of this world. She felt a magical attraction went out of him and before she knew it, she stood before the tree.

When they looked at Jesus, he opened his eyes and stood up to go. He thanked me and said, "Thanks for the shadow that your tree has donated to me I'm doing now on the road is still long..." But
asked the prostitute, "Stay a little while in my house you'd hurt me if you do not hereinkämst.. It is the first time I invite someone to my house. Usually people come to me and I send them away. For the first time in my life I ask someone in. "
Jesus said." If you invited me in your heart, I'm already become your guest. I still have a long way to go. Please let me go. I have enjoyed your hospitality even "But she answered
". This hurts me. ? Can you prove I do not love to enter my house "
Jesus said to her:" Remember, I am the only person that can love you. All others who may come to you, love you not because they have no love in them. They have come because they feel attracted to you. For me it's different, my love comes from myself "

Does Boob Groping Feel Good

losing oneself

Nasrudin once came to his trip to Baghdad. What was a great city. Never before had so many .. people saw the crowds and the crowds it unsettled very
He thought, "I wonder how do the people in a city like this, in reality, themselves to keep in mind and how they still know who they are." Then he said to himself: "I have to remember exactly who I am, or I might lose myself."

the evening, he sought a lodging for the night. Beside him, a rogue outsourced. When Nasrudin sleeping place now wish he was afraid to find themselves no longer to wake up. He told the rogue, the next he was still awake.

The comedian told him the following:... "No problem my friend Take this bubble here and blow it on a balloon Bind them sleep on your leg and go quiet when you wake up, just search for the man with the balloon - the then you are! "
"A wonderful idea," said Nasrudin.

After several hours he woke up. He was looking for the bubble and saw that it was attached to the leg of the Fool. "Yes, I am," he thought. But then he suddenly grabbed the fear and he shook the other man: ".. To guard your proposal was not good, it is exactly what happened, what I had feared" The Schalk

awoke and asked Nasrudin, what was the matter. Nasrudin was on the balloon: "Based on the bladder can I determine that you are me But if you are me - who am with the love of the Almighty I do."

Stream South Park Ipad

things are not what they seem

Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night at the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the guest rooms in the main house. Instead, they got a little space in the cold basement.
As they stretched on the hard floor, the older ones saw angels a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied: "Things are not always what they seem to be."

to rest at the next night the pair in the house of a very poor but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After the little food they had, had shared with them, they let the angels sleep in their bed where they slept well.
As the sun up the next morning the sky the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. been your only cow, whose milk is their sole income, lay dead on the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen?

"The first man had everything, yet you helped him," he said accusingly.
"The second family had little, and you let the cow die.
" Things are not always what they seem, "said the senior angel.
" When we were resting in the basement of the mansion, I noticed the gold in that hole in the wall in his pocket. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and share his good fortune did not want sealed I have the wall so that he could not find it.
as we slept the previous night in the farmers bed, the angel of death came to fetch his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things are not always what they seem. "

(author unknown)

Quo Mineral Tint Reviews

Two monks were on their travels. One day they came to a river.
There stood a young woman with beautiful clothes. Apparently they wanted to cross the river, but since the water was very deep, they could not cross the river without damaging their clothes.
went without hesitation, one of the monks on the woman who lifted her on his shoulders and waded with her through the water. On the other side of the river he placed it on dry.
After the other monk was also waded through the river, the two continued their walk.
began after about an hour at which a monk to criticize the other, "You already know that what you did not know was right, do not you know, we can not close? have contact with women. How contrary could you of this rule "
The monk who had carried the woman across the river, listened to the allegations of the other calmly Then he answered." I have sold the woman an hour on the river - why wear you push her around still with you? "

(The Wisdom of Zen Masters)

Clearing Throat In Mornings There's Blood

who philosophize too much ... Two monks

A visitor wanted students to be in a monastery. Previously, he wanted to speak with the Master.
"Master, you can teach me what is the goal of a human life?"
"I can not."
"Or at least his mind?"
"I can not."
"Can you tell me the nature of death and a life beyond the grave?"
"I can not."
went berserk like the visitors. The students were disappointed that their master had made such a bad figure.
As the Master said soothingly to them, "What good is it to understand the essence of life and to understand its meaning, if you've never tasted it I would rather you eat your pudding than your speculation?."

(from Anthony de Mello: "One minute wisdom")

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How much does life? About

was a pupil at a wise old man
" master, "he said in a sluggish voice" that life is like a burden on my shoulders. It pushes me to the ground and I have a feeling of collapsing under the weight. "
" My son, "the old man said with an affectionate smile," life is easy like a feather. "
" Lord, with all humility, but here you must be mistaken. For I feel my life is like a load of one thousand pounds on me. Tell me, what can I do? "
" We are the ones who invite us to load on our shoulders. "Said the old man, still mild, smiling.
" But ... "the boy wanted to argue with.
The old man lifted hand: "this" But, "my son, weighs only a thousand pounds."
: Life can be so easy

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Socrates was dying
had one given him poison - but he laughed
Creto, one of his pupils said to him.". you yes have tears in their eyes before laughing. Death is so near - you should be sad, "
Socrates said:" What's so sad.? If I die, when everything is dying in me, where is the sadness? There will be no longer feels the sadness. And if it is me after death, where is a reason for sadness? What is lost, am I not. I am what remains "
said He." I'm happy. Death can only be two things effect: it can either destroy me completely, then I'm happy because I feel no sadness or if anything is left of me, I'm happy because the part that I was not, was taken away. I will stay. These are the two possibilities that the death -.. That's why I laugh "

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tradition Socrates was dying

The young couple was married. One day, decided the young woman to cook a leg of lamb.

pushed Before the whole thing into the oven, she cut the leg off the bottom piece and then put the two parts together in the bowl .

Her husband looked over my shoulder and asked, "Why do you do that"

"I do not know, but my mother always made the same way." was the reply.

Then the man asked his mother why she cut the bottom part of the club.

"I do not know, but my mother always made the same way." replied the mother.

The grandmother was alive, and so the man went to her and also asked her why she cut off the bottom of the leg of lamb before roasting.

And the grandmother replies: "Oh, it has a very simple reason: My casserole was so small that the whole roast just not into fit "

(from Nancy Friday" As my mother ")

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The students had already seen the master for a while and wanted to know from him what type of meditation each morning in the garden because he practiced
The Master answered. "When I carefully . Look, I see the rose bush in full bloom "
then asked one of his disciples:" But why do you look for attention to see the rose bush? The flowers are really striking. "
The master smiled and said:" This one really sees the rose bush, and not on their own performance "

. (From Anthony de Mello: Give your soul time)

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Missing words

Buddha was once spat at by a man. Out of sheer rage this man spat at him suddenly. Buddha wiped the spit and asked him: "Will you tell me anything else"
His disciple Ananda, who sat with him, said: "What are you talking about has he said anything, if you permit me, I'll settle with him This goes too far?..!"
But Buddha answered.. "He tried to say something, but he has no words for His words are powerless and the internal momentum is strong, he could not express it, so he has a Action said. "

had what can say the man yet? Now it was almost impossible to answer or anything. He went away. In the night it did it so sad that he came back the next morning to apologize.
He fell down and wept in front of Buddha Buddha
said. "Ananda, you see how the language is powerless? Again he would say something and can not. And just like yesterday he expresses it through his behavior. Ananda, this man deserves great compassion. "

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Till Eulenspiegel was a beautiful day with his bundle of belongings to walk to the nearest town at once he heard how fast Hufgeräusche nähertenund was a coach .
The driver next to him was in a hurry and called out: "Tell quick - how far it is up to the next town?"
Till Eulenspiegel replied: "If You drive slowly, it takes about half an hour. Ride your fast, so it takes two hours, sir. "
" You cursed fool, "the coachman, and drove the horses into a gallop and the carriage vanished Till Eulenspiegel's view.
Till Eulenspiegel went his way slowly down the street, the many potholes had. After about an hour he looked for a curve, a coach are in the ditch. The front axle was broken and it was just the driver from earlier, which is now made cursing them to repair the coach again.
The driver thoughtful Till Eulenspiegel with an angry and reproachful look, whereupon he said: "I told you: If you ride slowly, half an hour ..."

from: Lothar J. Seiwert: "If you are in a hurry, go slow"

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Everyone, Someone, No

A little story about four colleagues called EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY.
It was to do an important job and everyone was sure that someone cares about it. ANYONE could have done it, but NOBODY did it.
SOMEBODY got angry because it was EVERYBODY'S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but no one knew that everyone would not do it. Finally
accused ANY PERSON, because NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.

author unknown

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the world in order to bring

A little boy came to his father and wanted to play with him. The had no time for the boy and no motivation to play. So he thought about the boy which he could employ.
it in a magazine was a complicated and detailed picture of the earth. This image, he then cut up and crack into small parts. He gave the boy and thought that now with the most difficult puzzle for some time was employed.

The boy withdrew into a corner and began with the puzzle. After a few minutes he came to his father and showed him the finished composite image.

The father could not believe it and asked his son how he had managed that.
The child said: ".. Oh, was shown on the back of a man I have the right composition and was a man in order, it was also the world."

author unknown

Thursday, June 3, 2010

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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data collection: Wikipedia user of the skeptics movement (GWUP, Brights Germany, Esowatch.com)

Promed.Watch takes a letter to the last post [ Wikipedia: FOSSA via so-called skeptics (GWUP, Brights) ] as an opportunity to take this opportunity to begin a data collection . We are looking for Wikipedia user, to the so-called skeptics movement are to organize in admin and user cliques: Vollmuller (purpose of mutual assistance in edit-wars) and Wikipedia with demonstrably false information. Here are some examples of the work of this group:

Wikipedia agitprop, and Nina Gerlach
Wikipedia blocked H. Journal - Admin »Gleiberg" helps Nina Gerlach
ELSEVIER: Alternative and Complementary Medicine - quality of Wikipedia articles
Wikipedia-criticism: Neural represented factually inaccurate and tendentious

As the case study shows Nina Gerlach, violates the community GWUP systematically to Wikipedia and some very aggressive against Wikipedia guidelines, but this leads to no consequences, because you can take here in a sense the "air superiority" claim for themselves. The prevailing thinking and behavior patterns similar to the EsoWatch community.

In the opinion of Promed.Watch there are interfaces between EsoWatch and the skeptic-roped on Wikipedia. The aim of this paper is to collect information in order to make this interface transparently. If new information, this blog post will be continually updated and maintained.

who (like the letter writer) with appropriate information, they can now deliver as blind Promed.Watch comment under this post. Blind commentary states that the comment is not enabled and only serves to exchange information.

following information is required: first Wikipedia user names, second link to the user account with Wikipedia, third grounds for believing that it is a member of the skeptic community at Wikipedia including a link (s) to the sources. 4th ground has failed why such person against Wikipedia rules. Important: In Schedule 2 included only people who have proven to violate Wikipedia guidelines . The opinion / perspective of the person concerned does not matter.

Promed.Watch will evaluate the data, first a rough sanity check to them after that to publish in two groups:

List 1: suspicion of membership in the skeptic community at Wikipedia
In this list User name recorded, the user activity of Promed.Watch has not been verified. In all cases mentioned above, the suspicion may be incorrect. It may be hard-working Wikipedia authors act, the editing in good faith and in compliance with Wikipedia policy. They've landed in a list, because a Promed.Watch reader believes that the person belongs to the skeptic community on Wikipedia. This suspicion may turn out to be right or wrong.

1/6/2010 letter to the editor:

Wikipedia-User: Hob Gadling

Wikipedia-User: Alex74

Wikipedia users: Jbo166

Wikipedia user: Rainer Wolf ( 12/11/2010: was checked and shifted in Schedule 2)
List 2: Occupied membership in the skeptic community at Wikipedia
This list user names are taken, the user's activity was reviewed. Here people are listed according to estimates by Promed.Watch known or almost certain probability of skeptics community on Wikipedia.

11/12/2010 Promed.Watch:
Wikipedia user: Rainer Wolf
Wikipedia user habil Rainer Wolf is not the retired biologist Dr. . Rainer to be confused Wolf . Promed.Watch assumes, however, that Wikipedia users Rainer Wolf is almost certainly an important member and functionary of the association GWUP eV. Wikipedia user Rainer Wolf is in the German Wikipedia to a powerful network of the skeptics movement, which also includes Nina Gerlach and Henriette Fiebig.
For Wikipedia article "GWUP" he takes a kind of wake function with the aim of critical messages to the club to ward off GWUP eV. The following link, see Wikipedia user Rainer Wolf as editor of the Wikipedia article "GWUP" . And on the following linked site makes Wikipedia user Rainer Wolf surreptitious advertising for anonymous Internet pillory EsoWatch.com (a project of the skeptics movement). - How Promed.Watch Others reported on 01.11.2010, the German judicial investigation for serious criminal offenses committed under EsoWatch.com against unknown (see: German judiciary is investigating EsoWatch.com ). See also donkey watch over EsoWatch.com.
06/01/2010 Promed.Watch:

Wikipedia users: Nina Gerlach
(very aggressive and dominant / uncompromising conduct is contrary to systematically against Wikipedia guidelines, is close to the club GWUP eV, EsoWatch-supporter, former board member of Wikimedia Germany eV)

Wikipedia users: Henriette Fiebig
(claims to a former member of the Association GWUP eV defended, Nina Gerlach in arbitration requests, see also: Wikipedia: Mediation Committee / problems between Nina and Michael S ), currently assistant (Community Assistant) of Wikimedia Germany eV) - the ideal starting point for the skeptic community to promote more at Wikipedia)